How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 7 Fast and Effective Ways

Writer’s block is a common problem that can affect anyone, from students to professional writers. It can be frustrating and debilitating, but there are things you can do to overcome it.

Do you want to know how to overcome writer’s block?

Your search ends here.

What is a common problem faced by most writers?

If you said “writer’s block,” you are absolutely right.

Writer’s block can be a frustrating experience, but it’s also normal when you’re a creative person like a writer or director. In its simplest form, writer’s block occurs when a writer is unable to write anything useful.

The reason for this problem may vary from person to person.

For some, it may be due to fatigue or boredom. Others may want everything to be perfect before writing the words. Whatever the reason, if you’re looking for proven ways to overcome writer’s block, this post is for you.

Let’s move on to the details without much ado.

How to Get Rid of Writer’s Block? 7 PROVEN Ways

How to Get Rid of Writer’s Block 7 PROVEN Ways

1. Write

The easiest way to cure writer’s block is to write more.

The biggest problem with most writers is that they want to be perfect (all the time). We are all human beings. We are not perfect.

So just keep writing, even if what you’re producing is garbage. The goal is to get to the point where words start flowing again and you can edit out bad content later.

Accept the fact that you can’t create the “perfect article” every time you sit down in front of your laptop. You will write very badly sometimes. He is alright!

If you wait for the right time to write copy, it will never come. You will just procrastinate and never get the work done.

The best way to deal with writer’s block is to simply write and realize that your bad writing doesn’t last. You can rewrite anytime. You can always write a second draft. You can edit anytime.

Imagine getting paid to write something every day, even a short paragraph.

Don’t worry about “quality” when you’re struggling to write. Just write. You will improve on your own. Like any other skill, with practice, you will overcome writer’s block.

2. Take the help of AI writing tools

Do you want to overcome writer’s block and write more words in less time? Then, you should try AI writing tools.

With the help of AI writer tools, you can write almost anything, from essays to stories, novels, product descriptions, social media posts and more.

Most AI writing apps use GPT-3 which uses deep learning to produce human-like text.

The best part? Popular AI tools like Jasper AI create 100% original content on almost every topic.

If you’re curious to learn how, here’s a quick tutorial on using Jasper AI to overcome writer’s block.

Let’s say you’re struggling to write a catchy introduction for your article, essay or any type of content.

You can simply grab the “Blog Post Introduction Paragraph” template from Jasper as it helps you overcome writer’s block by allowing Jasper to write your opening paragraph.

All you need to do is enter a title, your audience, and your preferred tone of voice.

blog post intro

Once you hit the “Generate AI Content” button, it will automatically generate an introduction for you based on the input.

Have a look at the output;

jasper versions

see that? Jasper immediately created several versions of the introduction lines based on just one title.

From there, you can take the opening paragraph and change each sentence to your liking. If you still want to generate more content, you can always use Jasper’s Team plan to create long-form content including blog posts, essays, novels, stories, etc.

But how much does Jasper cost?

An AI writing tool like Jasper is NOT free and it currently has the following two pricing options.

1. Creator: If you’re looking for the cheapest plan from Jasper, go with the Starter plan. It’s useful for creating short content.

  • Pricing: Starts at $39 per month to create unlimited words
  • Features include: 50+ AI templates, creating content in 20+ languages, adding up to 5 users
  • Best for: Writers who want to create short content such as descriptions, titles, author bios, social media posts, etc.

2. Teams Plan: If you want to create detailed content, go with the Teams plan. This plan is perfect for writers, freelancers, content marketers, etc.

  • Pricing: Starts at $99 per month to create unlimited words per month
  • Features include: 50+ AI templates, creating content in 20+ languages, adding up to 5 users
  • Best for: Writers who want to create long-form content such as blog posts, essays, product reviews, novels, stories, etc.

Jasper also offers a 7-day free trial which you can get using the following link.

Read our Jasper free trial post to get more details.

In case you’re wondering, Jasper AI offers a 5-day refund policy. So if you are not happy with the features or the content it generates, you can get a full refund within 5 days of purchase.

3. Build a writing routine

The best way to overcome writer’s block is to establish a writing routine. When you have a set time and place to write, it may be easier to get started.

Additionally, setting some simple rules-such as taking a break after every hour of writing-can help keep you focused and avoid getting stuck while writing.

Of course, every person’s routine will be different, so it’s important to find what works for you. Maybe you prefer to write first thing in the morning, or maybe you find that late night sessions are more productive.

The key here is to find your writing routine. Experiment until you find a routine that helps you make the most of your time.

So if you’re struggling with writer’s block, try creating a simple writing routine as it can definitely help get the words flowing again.

4. Use the Pomodoro technique

Most people (including high-end marketers) use a time management technique called “The Pomodoro Technique” to work in small chunks.

Why? When you work in shorter intervals, your productivity will skyrocket.

The Pomodoro Technique helps to divide your writing work into intervals, usually 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks.


The goal is to minimize distractions and maximize focus during work periods to complete tasks more efficiently. After every fourth Pomodoro, there is a longer break, usually 15–30 minutes.

If you’re curious, here’s how the Pomodoro Technique works.

To get started with the Pomodoro Technique, find a timer and set it for 25 minutes.

Work on the task until the timer goes off, then take a short break (5 minutes or less).

Repeat this cycle four times, then take a long break (15-30 minutes) before starting the cycle again.

Quick note: You can use a physical timer or an online one, such as the Tomato Pomodoro Timer website, to use this technique.

The Pomodoro Technique works like a charm, especially if you struggle with procrastination as it helps you avoid burnout by taking regular breaks while writing.

Once you get into the rhythm of working for 25 minutes and then taking a short 5-minute break, you’ll be surprised at how much you can write in one go. If you find yourself getting distracted, just remember there’s always another Pomodoro cycle around the corner.

5. Read

You sit down to start writing and nothing comes. Have you ever faced this situation? If yes, you probably need to read a lot.

One of the most effective ways to cure writer’s block is reading. Read as much as you can.

You can read anyone’s work, including your favorite author or someone new. Reading helps you come up with new ideas.

Try reading something in the genre you want to write. Not only will this help your mind think in the right direction, but it will also show you what has been done before and what is currently trending.

With a little effort, you’ll be writing again in no time.

6. Talk to someone

Try talking to someone else about your project.

This could be anyone including your friends, relatives, colleagues or your own family.

Hearing another person’s perspective can give you the fresh perspective you need to move forward.

Trying to force yourself to write can often make the situation worse, so it’s important to take a step back and relax.

Talking to a friend or co-worker can help you brainstorm new ideas, or simply provide an opportunity to listen. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to to restart the writing process.

So if you’re struggling to write fluently, it can be helpful to talk to someone about your ideas, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you’re struggling with writer’s block.

7. Take a break


If nothing else works, take a break from writing.

If you’ve tried all the things above and your mind is still blank and you have no idea what to write next – then you need a break from work.

If you’re feeling stuck and can’t write properly, it may be time to take a break from writing. Sometimes the best way to de-stress is to step away from your work for a while.

Go for a walk, take a week off to your favorite place, read a book or watch a movie. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery or environment to jump-start your creativity.

Once you take some time away from writing, you’ll find that your thoughts begin to flow more freely. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you give your mind a chance to rest.

You might be surprised by the ideas that come to you when you’re not trying too hard. So get some rest!

What causes writer’s block? Common Reasons

So far we have discussed the best ways to get rid of writer’s block. Let us now talk about the causes of writer’s block because for anything it is important to know the root problem.

Here are some of the most common reasons you’re experiencing writer’s block (with fixes).

  • You either have too many or too few ideas. The key here is to have enough ideas to start immediately writing.
  • You procrastinate a lot. You can try the Pomodoro technique and write in small intervals as it works like a charm.
  • You’re afraid of what people will think of you. Get over the fear of writing. It’s okay to write mediocre stuff. You’re not William Shakespeare. Write first, fear later.
  • You don’t have a writing routine. Set a routine. Experiment until you find what time works best for you.
  • You’re going through some difficult situations in life or at work. The cure? It’s okay to be depressed and feel low when you go through shit. Take a break and come back stronger.
  • You can’t handle rejection. Embrace failure. Write more. Publish more. Start a blog. Write on Quora. Keep writing 500 words every single day.
  • You’re burned out probably because you write A LOT. Talk to your friends. Go on a week-long vacation. Read your favorite stories or novels. 
  • You’re often distracted while writing online. Try distraction-free writing tools like OmmWriter to focus on just writing. OmmWriter opens up in full-screen mode, so nothing distracts you while writing. 

Remember, the only cure for writer’s block is to write. So the faster you start writing (even if it’s nonsense), the faster you will overcome writer’s block. Its as simple as that.

It’s also a good idea to create a “DND (Do Not Disturb)” zone while typing. Let others know when you’re in DND mode so you can focus only on writing.

FAQs | How to get rid of writer’s block?

What is writer’s block?

Writer’s block is a common experience among writers of all levels, characterized by a temporary inability to write or express ideas. It can manifest in various ways, such as difficulty generating ideas, struggling to structure thoughts, or feeling overwhelmed by the writing process.

Is writer’s block common?

Yes, writer’s block is a prevalent experience among writers. It can affect both seasoned authors and novice writers, regardless of their writing proficiency. It can arise from various factors, including stress, anxiety, lack of inspiration, or simply being stuck in a rut.

What are some writing tools that writers use?

Writers utilize a variety of tools to enhance their writing process and overcome writer’s block. Some popular tools include:

  • Google Docs: A cloud-based word processor with real-time collaboration features.
  • Grammarly: A grammar and spell checker that helps identify and correct errors in writing.
  • MS Word: A widely used word processor with comprehensive editing and formatting tools.
  • Evernote: A note-taking app for organizing and storing ideas, research, and writing excerpts.

Are there any tools specifically designed to overcome writer’s block?

Yes, AI writing tools are emerging as valuable aids for overcoming writer’s block. These tools can generate content based on user input, providing prompts, suggestions, and even complete text segments. Some notable AI writing tools include:

  • Jasper AI: An AI writing platform that offers various features for content creation, including long-form content generation, copywriting, and blog post writing.
  • CopyAI: An AI-powered copywriting tool that helps generate marketing copy, website content, and social media posts.
  • Rytr: An AI writing assistant that provides assistance with various writing tasks, including email writing, blog post creation, and social media content generation.

How can I overcome writer’s block?

Here are some effective strategies to combat writer’s block:

  1. Freewriting: Write continuously for a set period without worrying about grammar, structure, or perfection. This can help release mental blocks and spark new ideas.
  2. Brainstorming: Generate a list of ideas related to your writing topic. This can help you overcome the initial hurdle of generating ideas.
  3. Take a break: Step away from your writing for a while to clear your mind and refresh your perspective. Engage in activities that you enjoy or find relaxing.
  4. Seek inspiration: Read works by other writers, watch movies or documentaries related to your topic, or visit places that inspire you.
  5. Utilize AI writing tools: Leverage AI writing tools to generate content ideas, overcome writer’s block, and streamline your writing process.

Remember, writer’s block is a temporary obstacle, and with persistence and the right strategies, you can overcome it and continue producing quality writing.

Final thoughts on how to get over writer’s block

Anyone who has ever tried to write something, whether it’s a blog post, novel, short story, or just an essay, knows the frustration of writer’s block.

Remember that this is a normal thing. Try implementing the tips mentioned in this post and you will be back in your writing mode in no time.

So what do you think about writer’s block? Did you find our guide on how to cure writer’s block useful? Have any questions or tips? Tell us in the comments.

My name is Megha, A computer science student with a passion for digital marketing and SEO, enjoys helping beginners build impressive WordPress websites.

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